Effective Ways of Getting Rid Of Verruca

If you need to know how to get rid of a Verruca fast, then the easiest way is to freeze them. A Verruca is simply a wart on the foot and apart from being unsightly, they can also be painful. A Verruca is simply a wart that occurs on the sole of the foot and sometimes people generally mistake it for simple corn. It is not only discomforting but sometimes extremely painful. Therefore, it is always advised to seek professional help from a podiatrist or a chiropodist. Who will first diagnose whether it is a verruca or corn and they will suggest a treatment for it? The treatment for both corn and verruca and corn is different. Cryotherapy or freezing is the medical term which is used for the treatment of Verruca and is one of the fastest ways to get rid of it. Cryotherapy includes the process in which the temperature of -50 degree Celsius is used which literally freezes the upper layers of the skin where verruca virus lives. The virus is commonly known as the human papillomavirus ...